Elegant, strong, unique, very friendly, beautifull are some of the feelings many have about the Friesian Horse. There are few horses breeds that have all of these characteristics combined together.
Maybe you know somebody who imports or breeds Friesian Horses, or maybe you would like to get some second opinions. The sellers listed above are AFHA members and can be trusted to inform you well about your purchase and whether or not it is a purebred Friesian with official KFPS papers.
An important first step in the purchase of a Friesian horse is understanding the KFPS Studbook and accompanying rules as well as the governing organisation. The following link to the FHANA website will give you a clear overview:
FHANA: The Friesian Registry
FHANA: Dutch Registration Papers Explained
The following links might also be of interest:
FHANA: Classifieds
FHANA: Breeders Directory